Quality Assurance Plan
The Quality Assurance Plan is an artifact that provides a clear view of how product, artifact and process quality are to be assured. It contains the Review and Audit Plan and references a number of other artifacts developed during the Inception phase. It is maintained throughout the project.
Worker: Project Manager

Input to Activities: Output from Activities:

Purpose To top of page

The purpose of the Quality Assurance Plan is to provide a single point of reference on the topic of quality for the project. It is a process oriented artifact and highlights those elements of the Rational Unified Process which are the contributors to achievement of quality objectives. The Quality Assurance Plan will not contain details of the techniques, criteria, metrics and so on, of the peer reviews and evaluations whose focus is product. It requires, as a matter of compliance with the Rational Unified Process, the details of product quality evaluation to be provided in the Evaluation Plan section of the Software Development Plan, and in the Test Plan.

Brief Outline To top of page

(hyperlinks into HTML template in a new window)

1.          Introduction         
    1.1      Purpose     
    1.2      Scope     
    1.3      Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations     
    1.4      References     
    1.5      Overview     
2.          Quality Objectives     
3.          Management       
    3.1      Organization     
    3.2      Tasks & Responsibilities     
4.          Documentation  
5.          Standards and Guidelines     
6.          Metrics 
7.          Review and Audit Plan 
8.          Evaluation and Test         
9.          Problem Resolution and Corrective Action
10.          Tools, Techniques and Methodologies
11.          Configuration Management
12.          Supplier and Subcontractor Controls         
13.          Quality Records         
14.          Training
15.          Risk Management

Timing To top of page

Developed during inception. Updated at each major milestone.

Responsibility To top of page

The Worker: Project Manager is responsible for ensuring the Quality Assurance Plan is created, appropriate, and acceptable for the project.

Copyright  ⌐ 1987 - 2000 Rational Software Corporation

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